
D. ten Hove Consultancy B.V. has over 20 years experience in the field of Oxygen Capacity measurements at Sewage Treatment Plants. Depending on the situation we can offer various solutions for checking of the aeration system. All measurements are executed according the standard DWA-M 209, Stowa 2009-15, NEN 12555, ASCE 18-96 or equivalent.

Both absorption and desorption method can be used when the aeration basin can be temporary (14 – 24 hours) out of operation.

Meetapparatuur   Sulfietdosering         Stikstofdosering


The off-gas method has the advantage that the aeration basin can stay in operation and over a long period the oxygen transfer can be monitored.

Off-gas   Off-gas meting


In addition we execute alpha-factor measurement (stationary or continiously) to transfer the actual oxygen input to oxygen transfer at standard (clean water) conditions.

Alpha-factor   Alpha-factor puntbeluchting


We also have the possibilty to execute flow measurements in continious loop systems.

Snelheidsmeting  Snelheidssensor

